GOT ever-so-cliched TAGGED
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I really am not fond of complying with the famous "Tag game". I've been tagged by a lot already, but I was able to retrieve tag invitations only from Affiane, Ampie, Deb, Joanna, Nel, & Tepai. I dunno elsewhere I've been tagged so I'm really really sorry to the imaginary friend who tagged me before (if ever someone really did). Anyway, please keep in mind that I'll be doing this, out of boredom, for the first time and nothing else.

The rules:
  1. Each blogger starts with ten random facts / habits about themselves.
  2. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules.
  3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
  4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and to read your blog.

10 Random Facts/habits about me:
  1. I love music so much.
  2. Frogs, Math & Dancing have something in common --I hate it.
  3. I only got 4 hours of sleep today and I'm soooo dizzy. :'[ (My insomnia resurfaces again so I have to wake up early to sleep earlier tonight. Gnarly eh?)
  4. My boyfriend calls me the "Burger Queen" because he knows how much I love Burger King sooo much! haha! I call him the "Dairy King" though. lol
  5. I love the combination of mango & rice for lunch.
  6. I used to juggle pillows on my feet when I was young.
  7. I'm allergic to dust & insect bites.
  8. There's something about rains & rainbows that I love so much.
  9. What else? I'm running out of words.
  10. This tag game is getting on my nerves.

I tag no one! GAME OVER.

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Happy Sappy
Friday, April 25, 2008

Today is such a happy day! So happy I could almost see rainbows aglow behind hills where a very VERY very petite girl, in pink, ought to rode her fairy-tairy bicycle with such glow in her eyes all because of the ugh, happiness she was feeling at that point of time. la la la~ (note: the girl ain't me, think picturesque) Seriously, what made me happy today?

So there, my today's favorite things. Time to go! *waves* ;]

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

i. love

It was Wednesday afternoon when my bro and I saw these cargo trailers near the intersection of Covina and Bellazona. I know that it was really loooovethe first time I saw it so I grabbed the chance to took this picture. Too bad I didn't brought the camera with me so I just used my trusty phone in shooting this wonderful art. I edit it afterwards to give it a nice vintage look. ;]

ii. much love

ayee, si bob nasa clouds.
-Kuya mark

Today is the day he'll be going home from the province. yay! He's probably on the plane right now. Its been a long long long long time since I last saw him. ;[ I'm so looking forward to seeing him again. Speaking about *ehem* the devil, no scratch that, I mean my boy, we'll be celebrating our 2nd anniversary on the 27th! weee!

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Here's a pic of my dog, Cathy. I found it just lingering around my desktop so I decided to edit it in PS. I took this pic eons ago behind our screen door, giving it it's lomo look (fish eye that's it) --I didn't do that on purpose cause I'm not much of a lomo fan m'kay? Anyway, one can easily distinguish that this is not a real lomo so don't be harsh on me. That's it for now. Ciao!*

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Lo and Behold Mediocrity at its Finest!
Friday, April 18, 2008

Funny how my writing style varies every time I decide to write again after quitting to do so. My occasional I want it like this, I want it like that's were, I guess, all dictated by my whims. The first time I heard about the word "blog" was about 3 or 4 years ago when an online friend posted his link on his YM status. I was into gaming back then. I totally had no clue what he gotten himself into so I asked him what is it all about. Being the gay he was, I could almost hear his irritated voice as he explained to me the concept of blogging. Frightened (yes I was, taray kasi! XD), I figured out how it works with the help of and bro's basic knowledge of html (super thanks to him). Since then, I blogged a lot. Making me more of a tactless blabbermouth, a sensible writer, a not-so-eerie makata, an eerie makata, a make-believe [insert whatever here], and the like.

So looking back my blog history, I wanted to share with you the blogs I went gaga for (A not so smart thing to do, but I'll do it anyway). And yeah, I'm taking the risk of being embarrassed. tsk. I really can't get enough of its rawness, I'm seriously laughing my ass off! Nostalgia, take me away!

1 . 2 . 3 . 4

I'll be deleting these blogs soon because I was able to retrieve my old blogger account.


The Yesterday Post
Monday, April 14, 2008

Morning Rants:
Woke up at around 3:50am today and I must say that I'm not used to waking up this early nowadays. I admit my alarm rings at this point of time before (HAH! beat that!) because I have to get early all the time for my 7:30 am class. ANYWAYS I had this very wierd dream about the game, Super Mario brothers, because the casts were not Mario & Luigi but were my block mates instead. ha ha. I noticed that my dreams this April varies from the strangest to the most untouchable ones and by that, I always ended up laughing every time I woke up.

...and it rained:
It rained today. Yup, it miraculously rained today and I was so relieved because of the super hot weather. I remember my boyfriend telling me that its been raining cats and dogs in their province last Sunday, how I envied him back then.

Hello, uh, stranger soldier?:
Lounging at the couch lazily as I watched Seinfeld, I reached for my phone because someone is calling. Knowing it was him (Zab), I answered it instantly without looking who the caller was. After exchanging a couple of hello's, I found out that it was not him so I hung up. I want to know who he is but I didn't made an effort to do so. He called again and I answered for the 2nd time. Our four minute conversation had led to a revelation that he is from Philippine Military Academy (PMA). He got my number from my friend, Basil, also from PMA. I then remembered Basil sending me a text intended for Chris ( the caller) which includes my number and some deets about me. Being a dork that he was, Basil apologize for sending my number. I told him its ok blah blah. So yeah if you're wondering if Chris and I were now texting, the answer is no. Yes he's nice and friendly but I'm not into entertaining "text mates, guy friends, special friends (name it)" while I'm currently into a relationship. So I guess that's it. ;]

Read the title, events in this post happened yesterday. Upon writing this, Chris called. >.< *bobayifieldsforever, still.

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Dizzy Girl
Saturday, April 12, 2008

Munching big bites on my kamoteng kahoy makes me wonder, what is it in this crop that makes me so dizzy?

I searched the net and holy cow, I found this.

Cyanide Theory - when eaten raw and with poor preparation, cassava roots can kill because it is very poisonous. It contains a bitter substance, a cyanogenetic glucoside called phaseolunatin, which breaks down upon harvest into the toxic hydrocyanic acid (prussic acid or HCN), acetone, and glucose by the action of the enzyme linase. The HCN can kill instantly by inhibiting respiration. The lethal dose for humans is 150 milligrams.

Detoxification of the tuberous roots can be done by hydrolysis by soaking the roots in water, crushing or cutting them, or by boiling them. The HCN content varies in tubers obtained from different locations or different varieties. In sweet varieties --- known as sweet potato or Impomoea Batatas L., most of the acid is located in the skin and the exterior cortical layer and concentration seldom exceeds 50ppm of cyanide. However, in bitter and wild varieties, the acid is uniformly distributed in all parts of the roots.
The symptoms exhibited by the victims shortly after eating the tainted cassava were diarrhea, stomach pains, dizziness, salivation, frothing, and cyanosis.

I nearly freaked out upon reading this. And then, I remembered the issue about cassava poisoning few years ago. I'm really worried about being poisoned and stuff. Thoughts of me being rushed into the nearest hospital cross my mind for a split second. I can see my uncle's evil smirks (we have some issues, or so I thought) as if he's seeing this as a chance for revenge ( he's assigned in emergency room btw). But then I guess paranoia's taking its toll on me, again. Oh well, whatever. I'll just tell mum to be careful in preparing such the next time around. ;]


Friday, April 11, 2008

Who could've known my love for writing resurrected on the 11th day of April, 2008?

Actually my alter-ego has been forcing me to write for months now, its just that time wouldn't allow me to do so (super thanks for my tedious write-ups last sem, it makes me more of a nursing student majoring in Filipino). Anyway, as I was surfing around the net last week, I found myself reading my friends' entries in LiveJournal making me want to write again.

And so, I logged on to my old blogger account to make this blog. Circumstances have brought me to conclude that you might now ask why not use my LiveJournal account instead? Its because I want everything to be fresh out of the box and to be honest with you, I really don't know how to modify my template there.Besides, I've been on hiatus for so long, its really hard keeping up with time. I really want an LJ-based blog because I think its way cooler there, but then I guess I don't have any choice other than making blogger my new blog provider. lol. Moving on, I've made a lot of modifications from codes that of detonatedlove♥'s (I have to give credit where credit is due) to give my blog a fresh clean look.

Kite flying day. My frustrations of flying a kite resurfaces whenever I passed by Quirino Grandstand upon going home from school. I feel sorry for myself because I haven't flown one in my entire life. But that doesn't stop me from dreaming!!! XD I'm still hoping for that day I'll be flying it with him (I've been nagging him for months now haha).

Enough about my nonsensical blabs. I now present you my blog (hopefully my last).

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Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Please bear in mind that everything in this site was made by me unless otherwise stated. With a little help from my previous layout (which is that of
detonatedlove♥'s), this site is all set and ready to hit as you crave for more of your reading pleasure. I have to give credit where credit is due, so special thanks for those who are indicated here.

Technical Support
Base codes: detonatedlove♥
No right-click script:renigade
Others: w3schools, Teentalk

Brushes: spazz24, redheadstock & melemel.
Forever inspired by: Inksurge

Blog Provider: Blogger
Comment System: Haloscan
Form: response-o-matic
Hit Counters: FreeOnlineUsers, Site Meter
Image Storage: Photobucket
Tagboard: Cbox
Twitter: Twitter

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READ BACK: 04.08 . 05.08 . 06.08 . 07.08 . 09.08 . 10.08 . 11.08 . 12.08 . 01.21 .
she bangs

NOT EVERYTHING is written here,
I must say.
...and it's ayee

Short Cries


    Strange Brew . A 13-Year Word Vomit . Get Busy With The Fizz . "Gaga! Walang Apple na Orange." . Killing Time . Questioning my Introspection . Core . I'm a Self-Confessed Music Buff . P4B . F! the System .

    Daisy Chains

    Sanctuaries: 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5

    friends: annextiane . athena . bogs . christine . cutreenuh . dana . deb . della . doschh . erica . fei . gem . iris . joan . jeje . jet . jonver1 . jonver2 . kate . kei . kled . liezel . lorraine . martin . nel . patch . paw . rachelle . rania . rie . steph . tepai . xty . zab

    billet doux

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    For full credits, click here.
    Creative Commons License

    Kite Flying Day by Ayee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Philippines License.
    Based on a work at