A 13-Year Word Vomit
Thursday, January 7, 2021

It took me 13 years to start writing again, it's been a while.  Looking back at all these cringeworthy blog posts, I never thought that I sounded like a whiny spoiled brat.  I honestly thought that I was making good  writing content then, I was delusional.  But hey, aren't we all are at some point?  Of course I've thought of making a new blog to hide away the darkest of pasts that is this blog, but nah, let people see.

Fast forward to today, yes.  I'm currently on my third decade of living, three in the morning on the other side of the world, trying to collect all my thoughts as I type away.  After college, I've practiced my profession in the province for prolly 3 years, and then moved to the heart of the city to practice Nursing in a big institution for yet again, another 4 years. I didn't settle for less, or so I thought.  The irony of it paved way to where I am today, Ireland aka Emerald Isle.  I am nearing my 2 year count this May, cheers to self.  

So many things have happened for the past few years, but still I don't know what to write.  How do you tell people what you are up to for the past 10 years or so?  Here's the thing.  I've been  in countless failed relationships and friendships, that I did not see coming.  I always have walls around me since then; but since I HAD faith in people, I let it down only for them to break it.  Funny how people can make and break you real bad sometimes.  But learning from it, I know I should not be too hard on myself and that I should give other people their chance.  The devil in me says otherwise, the trust issues ensue. 

Did I mention that the world is now battling a friggin' pandemic for almost a year now?  Corona Virus.  Just when they developed a vaccine late 2020, a new variant of the said virus emerged.  Hence, back again to square one despite the numerous lockdowns.  A heck of a year 2020 has been, but so much hope for this new year.  Sometimes, you just know.

Funny how time flies.  
I better go back to bed for my morning job.
How exciting.
READ BACK: 04.08 . 05.08 . 06.08 . 07.08 . 09.08 . 10.08 . 11.08 . 12.08 . 01.21 .
she bangs

NOT EVERYTHING is written here,
I must say.
...and it's ayee

Short Cries


    Get Busy With The Fizz . "Gaga! Walang Apple na Orange." . Killing Time . Questioning my Introspection . Core . I'm a Self-Confessed Music Buff . P4B . F! the System . implanted beads . 2nd --> Last ACAD ranting .

    Daisy Chains

    Sanctuaries: 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5

    friends: annextiane . athena . bogs . christine . cutreenuh . dana . deb . della . doschh . erica . fei . gem . iris . joan . jeje . jet . jonver1 . jonver2 . kate . kei . kled . liezel . lorraine . martin . nel . patch . paw . rachelle . rania . rie . steph . tepai . xty . zab

    billet doux

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    Creative Commons License

    Kite Flying Day by Ayee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Philippines License.
    Based on a work at http://kiteflyingday.blogspot.com.