It's a Nocturnal Way of Throwing Stones
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

2 more weeks to go and its hello hell for me. Arrgh! I must move now before procrastination strikes again. Seriously, I'm so pressured about a lot of things (eg. dorm, books, assignment, school) already. Since Dad's still in La Carlota, I'll be buying my "funda" book next week cause I don't have enough cash on hand which corresponds only to one thing, homework next week. Tsk, I'm sooo running out of time! Must move, must move, FAST!
Anyway, I watched Howie Severino's I-Witness documentary entitled, "Ang Kwago ng Pahiyas (The Owl of the Pahiyas Festival)" yesterday and yes, I was moved. Lucbanins extravagance for rice saddens me so much because of the current "rice crisis" our mother land is facing. In addition to that, they celebrate Pahiyas in an overstated manner, that I don't even know if they are still doing it for a religion cause (the main reason by the way).
If it wasn't for the patron saints' parade, Howie stated, people/tourists won't even know the rationale behind celebrating Pahiyas.
What saddens me the most is when Pahiyas' home decorating champion, Roni "Pahiyas" Unlayao, grabbed hold of an owl (which comes with single week-old chick) for his Pahiyas gimmick to crush his contenders. The single week-old chick accidentally died because the attention seeked was long way overdue. In the end, a storm hit Lucban just in time for the final judgment, on which, causes all the kipings (the brightly colored rice wafer which takes time to be made) to just wilt and droop on the floor. Nature has its own way of punishing, eh?

Zab & I went at Wendy's today to celebrate our 25th month.
Happy 2 years & 1 month "Beshie".
I love you very much!

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READ BACK: 04.08 . 05.08 . 06.08 . 07.08 . 09.08 . 10.08 . 11.08 . 12.08 . 01.21 .
she bangs

NOT EVERYTHING is written here,
I must say.
...and it's ayee

Short Cries


    My Birthday Bash . Time Check, its 4:23 PM. . Marren's Day & Enrollment . Starting Anew . On Hiatus . Kamae at 18 . Rant Away . Mayflowers Bloom . GOT ever-so-cliched TAGGED . Happy Sappy .

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