Dizzy Girl
Saturday, April 12, 2008

Munching big bites on my kamoteng kahoy makes me wonder, what is it in this crop that makes me so dizzy?

I searched the net and holy cow, I found this.

Cyanide Theory - when eaten raw and with poor preparation, cassava roots can kill because it is very poisonous. It contains a bitter substance, a cyanogenetic glucoside called phaseolunatin, which breaks down upon harvest into the toxic hydrocyanic acid (prussic acid or HCN), acetone, and glucose by the action of the enzyme linase. The HCN can kill instantly by inhibiting respiration. The lethal dose for humans is 150 milligrams.

Detoxification of the tuberous roots can be done by hydrolysis by soaking the roots in water, crushing or cutting them, or by boiling them. The HCN content varies in tubers obtained from different locations or different varieties. In sweet varieties --- known as sweet potato or Impomoea Batatas L., most of the acid is located in the skin and the exterior cortical layer and concentration seldom exceeds 50ppm of cyanide. However, in bitter and wild varieties, the acid is uniformly distributed in all parts of the roots.
The symptoms exhibited by the victims shortly after eating the tainted cassava were diarrhea, stomach pains, dizziness, salivation, frothing, and cyanosis.

I nearly freaked out upon reading this. And then, I remembered the issue about cassava poisoning few years ago. I'm really worried about being poisoned and stuff. Thoughts of me being rushed into the nearest hospital cross my mind for a split second. I can see my uncle's evil smirks (we have some issues, or so I thought) as if he's seeing this as a chance for revenge ( he's assigned in emergency room btw). But then I guess paranoia's taking its toll on me, again. Oh well, whatever. I'll just tell mum to be careful in preparing such the next time around. ;]


READ BACK: 04.08 . 05.08 . 06.08 . 07.08 . 09.08 . 10.08 . 11.08 . 12.08 . 01.21 .
she bangs

NOT EVERYTHING is written here,
I must say.
...and it's ayee

Short Cries


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